
Sale Letters That Open Doors

Sale - They are one of the most cost effective and powerful ways to open doors with a referral network, prospective clients and the media, yet sale letters continue to be under leveraged by professional practices and other small to mid-sized businesses.

Don't let the fact that a sale letter doesn't require programming or graphic design fool you. It is a key marketing tool. No different from a website, brochure or newsletter, sale letters that open doors are not simply thrown together. They are carefully crafted to deliver a compelling and believable promise that is consistent with the rest of your marketing program.

Here are 8 essentials of sale letters that open doors for professionals and other small to mid-sized businesses:

1. Establish credibility and build trust with clear and concise messages about your expertise.

2. Get to the point quickly with a believable and client focused promise.

3. Include helpful tips or reference information that demonstrates your commitment to solve problems for the reader.

4. Brand your stationery in order to create a professional and memorable first impression.

5. Use a reader friendly layout that invites the reader to skim your letter.

6. Include a call to action that lets the reader know what you want them to do next and motivates them to do just that e.g. book a complementary information session or consultation.

7. Personalize your sale letter. Address your sale letter to a specific individual and deal with their unique business requirements.

8. Build the relationship rather than the sale.

Once you have written your first sale letter, you will have a template that is quite easy and quick to adapt to the requirements of other audiences. < Sale >

By Sandra Bekhor

Sale Presentations That Actually Work in Today's Market

Sale - The quality of your sales presentation will determine the chances of success in any selling situation. There are few areas of sale training with more misinformation than the presentation. Forget about working on a slick presentation, practicing your pitch, learning long speeches filled with all the technical details. Here are the five keys to great sale presentations. I know that if you will use them, the interest shown by your prospects will rise dramatically and so will your closes and sale. Remember that the key to closing is doing a presentation that leads to a sale.

Customized For Each Customer < Sale >

To be effective, your presentation should be customized to your customer. Forget about learning one pitch and using it all the time. How do you customize it? By asking enough questions that you know what this particular customer wants, needs and fears. Only then are you ready to present, so ask questions first and sell later. This becomes selling not telling and it works with today's customers. People today will not politely sit through a presentation that doesn't interest them. Throw away your flip books and charts and talk to the customer about things that they told you they want to hear.

Benefits Not Features

If a young man sees a great looking woman walking down the street, is he thinking, "I'll bet she has a great liver?" Not likely, because we all want the benefits not the features. The reason features are taught in sale training is that much sale training comes from or is paid for by manufacturers and creators. They are proud of the products and services they have created and can't wait to tell you all the details. Like livers, valves, size of steel, actuarial tables and more probably will not raise a customer to the boiling point. If a customer is interested in the technical, by all means, use it. However, realize that people buy benefits not technical information. For example, most people want to know their new home will keep their family "warm on the coldest winter night" as opposed to what the insulation is made of and how it is installed. Make sure everything you say is about the benefits for the customer. Presentations that focus on the company fail. Things such as "we are number 1 in the state". "we invented it first", "we're a family company" and "our founder built this company from scratch" may not be of interest to most customers.

Trial Closes

When you present any benefit, always end with a question, not a statement. Weak sale people say, "This computer has dual processors and a titanium bus board". Stronger sale people say, "this computer is the fastest available to get your work done faster and without crashes. Is that the kind of stability your company is looking for?" If you end every point with a question, every time the customer says "yes", you are closer to the sale and you know you are on the right track.

Know Your Product/Service

Even though I have stated that people do not buy the technical, there is an important use for product knowledge. You need to know your product inside and out so you can customize a presentation to your customers. If you only know the 8 main points about your product, you won't have much room for customization. If you know lots of exclusive features and benefits, you will be able to raise the buying temperature of many more prospects.

Keep Your Eye On The Sale

Remember that everything you say takes you closer to the sale or farther away. Be careful what path you go down in any presentation. Anything you talk about that is not pointing out a benefit you know your customer is interested in is taking you away from the sale. Think before you speak and be sure every word is taking you closer to the sale by raising the customers' interest.

Salespeople often concentrate on the close but the truth is that great presentations make the close easy. You may already be a better closer than you think. You may be able to raise your sale by improving following these steps to better presentations. < Sale >

By Carl Davidson

How to Boost Sale For Your Local Store

Sale - Tactics that will help you keep your Customers

When customers begin to get too familiar with your products and services, they sometimes tend to look for stores that offer variety. While customers are happy with their new discovery, your business on the other hand suffers from poor results in sales. There are necessary steps that you should take in order for your business to bounce back from its sudden decrease in profit.

Every business experience financial problems and your local store is not any different. However, you can save your business and get your loyal customers back with these 4 tips. < Sale >

•Sale - Analyze your target market: This helps your marketing campaign to focus its efforts on a specific audience. Boosting your sales will be relatively simple and easy when you are familiar with your target market's behavior. Knowing you target audience will enable you to develop marketing strategies that are specifically designed for them. All your marketing efforts will be put to waste if you are not able to hit your target audience.

• Focus on what your target market really wants: Your customers contribute a lot to your marketing productivity and it is only right that you offer them what they really want. Customers will stay with you longer if they can benefit with the products and services that you offer.< Sale >

• Sale - Spend money on advertising. Just because your local store has been in your neighborhood for years doesn't mean you do not need to advertise your business. Effective promotional tools are a good investment for your business, because these tools help strengthen your brand. There is a wide variety of promotional tools that you can use for your local store that is offered by a reputable online printing company. Their quality printing service is the best value for your money. If utilized properly, these print materials can contribute to your marketing productivity.

• Excellent client management: Customers will not leave if they are happy with your services. Provide them with customer satisfaction to keep their loyalty to your brand. Strengthen your relationship with your customers by offering service that is beyond compare. < Sale >

By Gina Nuqui